(Published: December 2014)
It’s important to keep a record of the important things that happen to you throughout the year, and no one knows that better than me – Missy Barrett! Whether you’re a kid like me or a teenager, or even a grown-up, having a record of good things to look back on will bring smiles to your heart. Someday, you and your family members are going to look back on books like this one and learn a lot about who you are and the good things that happened to you. Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll look back on this book and think that one of the entries would make a good novel or one of the pictures or photos should be made into a mural. Best of all, this book will be a time capsule that you can open up anytime in the future and enjoy for years and years and years to come.
(Out Of Print)
With a second year of blogging under her belt, Missy Barrett covered all kinds of things in 2014. She wrote about solar systems, stars, planets, choirs, french toast, french fries, turkeys, penguins, her cats Sali Dali Cat and Oreo Speedwagon, and a whole lot more! Sometimes she just couldn’t wait for Wednesday to come around. With her mom’s permission (her mom has the password for Missy’s blog) she sometimes sneaked a blog entry in between two Wednesdays. Missy even added some black and white photographs as well as a picture by Josh (one of Missy’s two brothers) into this book! And just like last year, she included some of her own artwork and left lots of place for readers to add their own creative touches.
(Out Of Print)
Just because you’re a kid doesn’t mean that you can’t be a junior detective, an occasional Chief of Staff, a seeker of answers, or even a blogger. In Missy Barrett’s case, she’s done all those jobs, and more. With her first year of blogging under her belt, Missy decided to publish those entries in one book, complete with 15 pieces of original artwork to illustrate some of them. Whether she’s talking about easy-to-make decorations for those festive celebrations or wondering how footprints got on the moon before astronauts did, you know that what you read is going to get you thinking about adventures of your own. Join in the fun, and as Missy says, “You never know when a mystery is going to break out.”